Tag Archives: Stephen Jay Gould

Evolutionists: What kind of animal gave birth to the first bat?

All bats are in the order Chiroptera. Since they are in the same order, evolutionarily speaking, they are all related to each other. Actually, you can tell by looking at them that bats are related to each other, and are probably really variations of the first two bats that God created, in my humble opinion.

But, let’s just talk about evolution for a second. Evolution claims the gradual descent of all creatures from the “simple” cell (no cells are simple, they are incredibly complex, but I digress) Many, many variations occurring over time, and then some animal gives birth to the first bat. My question is which animal gave birth to the first bat?

A mammal with wings could not have given birth to the first bat, since all mammals with wings are called bats. A bat could not have given birth to the first bat. That would be impossible, right? Bats are mammals with wings. Bats are the only mammals with wings. No other mammal except bats has wings. So, which animal gave birth to the first bat?

The fossil record shows that bats have always been bats, so there is no help there. Plus, evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould wrote that there are no transitional fossils in the fossil record, anyway. (oh, really, you crazy creationist?)

Stephen Jay Gould, evolutionist, published "The Return of Hopeful Monsters," in Natural History, vol. 86 (June/July 1977) promoting a new theory of evolution called Punctuated Equilibrium. This new theory was needed, according to evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould, to explain why there are no transitional fossil forms.

The fossil record, claims evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould, does not show the gradual descent from one basic type of animal to another basic type of animal ( invertebrates to fish to amphibian to reptile to mammal or birds.)

So, let’s get back to my question to evolutionists: What kind of animal gave birth to the first bat?

Here is my answer:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and bats.


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